Saturday, November 12, 2011

A Humbling Journey...

I was asked to do a Q&A on our gym's blog this month, as recently I celebrated my one-year anniversary with Crossfit NYC.  It's unreal that a year has past since I walked into Elements, couldn't do five push-ups, couldn't breathe after less than 10 wall balls, and yet here I am:

I can Deadlift over 400 pounds.  Give me a month and I can back squat over 400 pounds.  I am mere months away from doing unassisted pull-ups, but even with bands I can do over 100 of them in a workout.  I've done close to 250 WODs, and some of the more recent ones have been at RX'ed weights.  I've been inspired by and inspired hundreds of people, not only in my gym, but apparently around the world.

This is not a unique journey, but for those out there just starting, or even just contemplating need to know how possible, yet necessary, this really is.  Do know that I have experienced physical pain like I have never, ever known.  Some days I can barely limp my way down the subway platform. But the world is a new place.  I can lift my son up and swing him around...I can run up and down the stairs, and when I forget something at the bottom, I can go back down, and come back up again and again, and I don't breathe heavy anymore.  My blood pressure is exceptional.  I run from the train to my car BY CHOICE.  Absolutely everything has changed for the better because of my newfound strength and stamina.  It's some of the hardest work I've ever done, but naturally because of that it's been some of the most rewarding.

Click to check out my Q&A.  This is an amazing journey.  I'm honored that I've been able to impart the wisdom I've picked up along the way.  I'll continue to do so here, and more frequently at that.  I appreciate your curiosity, and I hope you've enjoyed my story so far.  It's just barely begun...

Love and Peace...

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