Nothing caps off a week at Crossfit better than a hero WOD. It's a shame we have to do them at all, as they are created in tribute to either a fallen soldier or man/woman of service. Today I felt like I was going to put up a good showing in tribute to 29-year-old David Moore of Indianapolis, who sadly was shot to death as he approached a pulled-over stolen vehicle this past January.
WOD: "Moore"
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent
Run 400 meters
Max rep Handstand push-up
I've been steadily progressing with handstand pushups, and I was psyched for today because I hadn't run in a while, and it's been some time since I've been able to do a metcon with handstand pushups.
We did the standard sub for a rope climb, which was three two-handed ring pullups. I lowered the ring just enough to be able to jump into it, as I'm definitely not ready for dead-hang ring pullups yet. All in due time...the rope climb started the WOD. We got set up and we were ready to...
3...2...1...Go! We were out the door and down the stairs in a pack, and as is typically the case my immediate pace out the door found me many steps behind the pack. I didn't want to gas myself too early, because I wanted to really give the handstand pushups my best effort. That said I was running pretty much as fast as I can without sprinting...
I came charging back into the box and already had my plates set up against the 45, one 25 and one 10 pounder. OK so that only gives me like 3-6 inches of depth, but it's what I need to gain the strength and confidence to develop this exercise. As it is I'm amazed that I've been able to hold handstands for as long as I have, so any significant amount of reps at this point is a bonus.
I cranked through the first set and felt like I could keep going, but I didn't want to make this WOD like others where I've pushed too far on handstand pushups and almost messed up the workout (and myself in general). I stopped after 14 reps.
On I went through the next few rounds...feeling great entering round four, as I wanted to at least get four rounds under my belt. I finished the handstand pushups and we had 30 seconds, so Sara said to run the stairs and try to make it back up. We heard her yell "Time" as we hit the bottom.
WOD Results: Four Rounds - Handstand Pushup Reps: 14 - 12 - 12 - 10
Wow...48 handstand pushups. That's no joke. Sara said it was time to take out the 10-lb plate. I was pretty psyched. I felt great to hit another benchmark with an exercise that a lot of people dread. I kind of love these, so I look forward to getting more depth in the future.
Yet another great week at Crossfit NYC. See you Monday!
Friday, April 29, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Games Finale 2011 (for me anyway)
I am truly humbled. I've been waiting for the chance to do Fran again, since I've gained some ground on pullups with bands, and I feel like RX'ing the weight is very doable now. But today had a bit of a wake up call in store for me, as I truly battled through this one to get what I would describe as a meager result at best.
CrossFit Games Open 11.6
Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of the following rep scheme:
Thruster, 3 reps (men: 100# / women: 65#)
3 Chest to bar Pull-ups
Thruster, 6 reps (men: 100# / women: 65#)
6 Chest to bar Pull-ups
Thruster, 9 reps (men: 100# / women: 65#)
9 Chest to bar Pull-ups
Thruster, 12 reps (men: 100# / women: 65#)
12 Chest to bar Pull-ups
Thruster, 15 reps (men: 100# / women: 65#)
15 Chest to bar Pull-ups
Thruster, 18 reps (men: 100# / women: 65#)
18 Chest to bar Pull-ups
Thruster, 21 reps (men: 100# / women: 65#)
21 Chest to bar Pull-ups…
This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 21, go on to 24. If you complete 24, go on to 27, etc.
OK so it's seven minutes. I'm treating this one like Fran because I am doing the pullups the same way I would do them in Fran. My original Fran time is 8:08, and that was with ring rows subbed for pullups and light weight. Now I know that the difference between 95 lbs and 100 lbs is more significant than people think. After 30 reps that's an extra 150lbs of aggregate weight moved I'm not being fair to say it's exactly the same, but I do feel like this is a valid test of my ability to improve my Fran time. Completing the round of 15 on this WOD will be the same amount of reps as Fran, so I know where I need to get to if I think I stand a chance of improving next time I face the 21-15-9. I was on a sole mission this time. Most people did the WOD yesterday, and the official WOD (since today was a rest day on the CF Main Site) in the gym was more deadlifts. I think we can agree I blew my load on those a couple days ago ;). Anyway I got set up, got psyched up, and was as ready as I'll ever be...
3...2...1...Go! The thrusters felt heavy, but I still felt solid in the first few rounds. I was using both bands for the pullups, so I didn't really slow down until after the round of 6. I think the explosiveness of the thrusters took away from my ability to cruise through more than a few pullups at a time. But as the minutes left morphed into seconds left I was attacking the round of 12 as best I could. I finished the thrusters and was really pulling from the depths of my soul on the pullups, but I was only able to get two at a time, then one at a time. And inevitably my end came just after I hit eight reps into the set.
Could it have been the end-of-week shred on my shoulders? Maybe. I've certainly done more pullups than this in plenty of WODs before. But likely time domain is the main issue here. Anytime I've put up higher numbers of pullups it's been in far longer time domains than seven minutes. In that respect this was a fantastic exercise to show me how far I still have to go to link a serious amount of pullups together.
Before any major regrets set in I had the pleasure of watching Sara do the games WOD just minutes after I finished. She did chest-to-bar chinups and (in my opinion) crushed it by making the full round of 15 at the buzzer. I was psyched for her, but also realized that she hit the goal I had set for myself. If Sara, who is years into her Crossfit journey, hit 90 reps in seven minutes, all of a sudden I don't feel so terrible about my meager score of 56.
I'm learning every day, but I'm finding encouragement around every corner. I'm psyched to work harder on making the most of my Fran time, but coming away from this WOD I realize that there are far more telling benchmarks than beating my 8:08 time. At this point a tie would be nice. We'll see soon enough ;).
CrossFit Games Open 11.6
Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of the following rep scheme:
Thruster, 3 reps (men: 100# / women: 65#)
3 Chest to bar Pull-ups
Thruster, 6 reps (men: 100# / women: 65#)
6 Chest to bar Pull-ups
Thruster, 9 reps (men: 100# / women: 65#)
9 Chest to bar Pull-ups
Thruster, 12 reps (men: 100# / women: 65#)
12 Chest to bar Pull-ups
Thruster, 15 reps (men: 100# / women: 65#)
15 Chest to bar Pull-ups
Thruster, 18 reps (men: 100# / women: 65#)
18 Chest to bar Pull-ups
Thruster, 21 reps (men: 100# / women: 65#)
21 Chest to bar Pull-ups…
This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 21, go on to 24. If you complete 24, go on to 27, etc.
OK so it's seven minutes. I'm treating this one like Fran because I am doing the pullups the same way I would do them in Fran. My original Fran time is 8:08, and that was with ring rows subbed for pullups and light weight. Now I know that the difference between 95 lbs and 100 lbs is more significant than people think. After 30 reps that's an extra 150lbs of aggregate weight moved I'm not being fair to say it's exactly the same, but I do feel like this is a valid test of my ability to improve my Fran time. Completing the round of 15 on this WOD will be the same amount of reps as Fran, so I know where I need to get to if I think I stand a chance of improving next time I face the 21-15-9. I was on a sole mission this time. Most people did the WOD yesterday, and the official WOD (since today was a rest day on the CF Main Site) in the gym was more deadlifts. I think we can agree I blew my load on those a couple days ago ;). Anyway I got set up, got psyched up, and was as ready as I'll ever be...
3...2...1...Go! The thrusters felt heavy, but I still felt solid in the first few rounds. I was using both bands for the pullups, so I didn't really slow down until after the round of 6. I think the explosiveness of the thrusters took away from my ability to cruise through more than a few pullups at a time. But as the minutes left morphed into seconds left I was attacking the round of 12 as best I could. I finished the thrusters and was really pulling from the depths of my soul on the pullups, but I was only able to get two at a time, then one at a time. And inevitably my end came just after I hit eight reps into the set.
Could it have been the end-of-week shred on my shoulders? Maybe. I've certainly done more pullups than this in plenty of WODs before. But likely time domain is the main issue here. Anytime I've put up higher numbers of pullups it's been in far longer time domains than seven minutes. In that respect this was a fantastic exercise to show me how far I still have to go to link a serious amount of pullups together.
Before any major regrets set in I had the pleasure of watching Sara do the games WOD just minutes after I finished. She did chest-to-bar chinups and (in my opinion) crushed it by making the full round of 15 at the buzzer. I was psyched for her, but also realized that she hit the goal I had set for myself. If Sara, who is years into her Crossfit journey, hit 90 reps in seven minutes, all of a sudden I don't feel so terrible about my meager score of 56.
I'm learning every day, but I'm finding encouragement around every corner. I'm psyched to work harder on making the most of my Fran time, but coming away from this WOD I realize that there are far more telling benchmarks than beating my 8:08 time. At this point a tie would be nice. We'll see soon enough ;).
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Deadlifts...We Meet Again
I should've shown up to the gym today in warpaint. The deadlift singles would stop eluding me today. This was the day. The day we turn the dial from "heavy" to "fuckin heavy". I told Sara I was going to start with a few warmups with the bar and then some light weight before I really got to work. With this being my first foray into deadlifting after my hip issue, there was no reason to get stupid.
Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Sara paired everybody up, but she let me have my own bar. I had a little talk with the bar about playing nice, and I got started setting up. I threw a couple of 25s on just so I could review some form and get comfortable, then start the jumps toward heavyland. My last deadlift singles were on January 26th and I pulled 315 lbs, so I was ready to see what a few months of Crossfitting was going to do to that PR.
Warmup: 95×1 – 185×3
Feels good...check. No hip weirdness...check. Time to get going.
WOD: 235 – 275 – 295 – 325* – 345* (*1-Rep Max PR)
The first five sets were pretty much a breeze. No problem dusting my former PR by 30 lbs with two pulls to go. My jumps in weight up until this point were anywhere from 20 to 40 lbs. Hmmm...345 felt pretty damn good. Time to turn the dial a bit. Let's see if 30 more lbs would bury the needle...
Wow. That was sick. Came up feelin great, full extension, but I felt my grip slipping on the way down. I needed to pay super-close attention to that for the next pull. We can't drop weight at the Black Box so we need to put the weight down as carefully as we pull it up. But man I did it...375. The question remained, was I able to pull heavier? I didn't feel strained, and 375 didn't feel like it took absolutely everything I had, though we were definitely in the fuckin heavy zone. I grabbed a couple of 5s and slipped them onto what was left of the bar...I made a comment that it was comical how many plates there were on the bar and here I am throwing on a couple of 5s. I think I took a little too much time setting up. A few extra breaths and all of a sudden here comes the CF Endurance team up the I've got a crowd, a ridiculously heavy bar, and sudden pressure to pull this quite insane amount of weight. I blocked it all out, grabbed the bar, tightened up, and pulled....
Up it went, I pulled, pulled more, got up...further up...grabbed with everything I had and shot my hips up for full extension. People were clapping as I searched for that full standing position...
...I blinked and I looked up. The weight was on the floor and there were smiles all around. I searched out Tim in the crowd of folks at the top of the stairs. I asked him if I got full extension and he winced a little as if to say "not really". Then everyone was hi-fiving me and congratulating me and I still didn't know if I actually lifted this weight. Sara said there was no doubt I made the lift. Hari, co-owner of CFNYC said he wouldn't have called the rep back if it was competition...he didn't see why I would question it at all. Frankly I was just so in the moment that I had no idea how far up I really got. It definitely didn't feel as solid as 375, but I'm not going to argue with Sara and Hari. Hari said "How do you feel about adding those 5s now?" He was so right. Once you get into the zone of your PR every added pound of weight can be the difference between feeling like a superstar and getting your soul crushed. It's pretty amazing.
What a great day. I'm psyched to have the confidence and the training to make these big breakthroughs. It's so obvious how huge regular Crossfit training is for major fitness gains. I can't imagine what I'll be deadlifting by the end of this year, but something tells me there's going to be a 4 in front of the number.
Until then...
Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Sara paired everybody up, but she let me have my own bar. I had a little talk with the bar about playing nice, and I got started setting up. I threw a couple of 25s on just so I could review some form and get comfortable, then start the jumps toward heavyland. My last deadlift singles were on January 26th and I pulled 315 lbs, so I was ready to see what a few months of Crossfitting was going to do to that PR.
Warmup: 95×1 – 185×3
Feels good...check. No hip weirdness...check. Time to get going.
WOD: 235 – 275 – 295 – 325* – 345* (*1-Rep Max PR)
The first five sets were pretty much a breeze. No problem dusting my former PR by 30 lbs with two pulls to go. My jumps in weight up until this point were anywhere from 20 to 40 lbs. Hmmm...345 felt pretty damn good. Time to turn the dial a bit. Let's see if 30 more lbs would bury the needle...
Wow. That was sick. Came up feelin great, full extension, but I felt my grip slipping on the way down. I needed to pay super-close attention to that for the next pull. We can't drop weight at the Black Box so we need to put the weight down as carefully as we pull it up. But man I did it...375. The question remained, was I able to pull heavier? I didn't feel strained, and 375 didn't feel like it took absolutely everything I had, though we were definitely in the fuckin heavy zone. I grabbed a couple of 5s and slipped them onto what was left of the bar...I made a comment that it was comical how many plates there were on the bar and here I am throwing on a couple of 5s. I think I took a little too much time setting up. A few extra breaths and all of a sudden here comes the CF Endurance team up the I've got a crowd, a ridiculously heavy bar, and sudden pressure to pull this quite insane amount of weight. I blocked it all out, grabbed the bar, tightened up, and pulled....
Up it went, I pulled, pulled more, got up...further up...grabbed with everything I had and shot my hips up for full extension. People were clapping as I searched for that full standing position...
...I blinked and I looked up. The weight was on the floor and there were smiles all around. I searched out Tim in the crowd of folks at the top of the stairs. I asked him if I got full extension and he winced a little as if to say "not really". Then everyone was hi-fiving me and congratulating me and I still didn't know if I actually lifted this weight. Sara said there was no doubt I made the lift. Hari, co-owner of CFNYC said he wouldn't have called the rep back if it was competition...he didn't see why I would question it at all. Frankly I was just so in the moment that I had no idea how far up I really got. It definitely didn't feel as solid as 375, but I'm not going to argue with Sara and Hari. Hari said "How do you feel about adding those 5s now?" He was so right. Once you get into the zone of your PR every added pound of weight can be the difference between feeling like a superstar and getting your soul crushed. It's pretty amazing.
What a great day. I'm psyched to have the confidence and the training to make these big breakthroughs. It's so obvious how huge regular Crossfit training is for major fitness gains. I can't imagine what I'll be deadlifting by the end of this year, but something tells me there's going to be a 4 in front of the number.
Until then...
Friday, April 22, 2011
Not-So-Gently Down the Stream
I completely get it when even elite Crossfitters complain about running. Long runs are brutal...hell, even sprints aren't much of a party. But I can get into some rowing bigtime, and I'm surprised that so many CFers also hate to hit the rower.
It was a pretty mellow Friday at the Black Box. I was excited to see what rowing a 2k would be like. I walked in to five empty rowers and a few folks milling about, either doing strength work or recovering from today's WOD:
WOD: Row 2K
I was lucky to see Tim, who clued me in on some tips for pacing. He helped me visualize the WOD in steps. I knew I was going to pace myself right out of the gate, but breaking it up in my mind into four separate 500M rows helped me gain some perspective on when to cut loose, when to keep a steady pace, and for the last 200M just go balls to the wall.
Rory and I were the only ones who showed up for the 7:00 class (very rare for a non-rest day). Sara didn't have much to impart as this was a straight-forward as it gets.
3...2...1...Go! I started out at a solid pace, just ahead of Sara's recommended pace of 2:00 (the rower paces according to 500m increments, and I've done as well as 1:45 when I'm all-out shredding). I recalled Kelly Starrett's video on rowing technique, and his emphasis on staying "tall" and only hinging on the upper body motion. I got so much more out of my strokes on this one piece of advice alone. I felt an efficiency on the rower for the first time.
The combination of Tim's advice, my choice of pace, and Starrett's gems really put me in a confident space that I would oblierate my expectation of 10-15 minutes for this WOD.
Wod Time: 7:47
Whaaaaat??? I mean that is just a bit silly. Rory and I actually clocked in at exactly the same time. I couldn't believe it. I mean I'm no firebreather but that is far above my expectation for this (or any other rowing) WOD. I ended up doing five sets of five thrusters as a cashout because I had so much time left after I was done. Craziness...
Well sometimes I surprise was definitely one of those days. I'm happy that one man's goat is another man's strength, and it seems when it comes to both handstand pushups, thrusters and rowing, I'm having a much better time than most.
See you next week :)
It was a pretty mellow Friday at the Black Box. I was excited to see what rowing a 2k would be like. I walked in to five empty rowers and a few folks milling about, either doing strength work or recovering from today's WOD:
WOD: Row 2K
I was lucky to see Tim, who clued me in on some tips for pacing. He helped me visualize the WOD in steps. I knew I was going to pace myself right out of the gate, but breaking it up in my mind into four separate 500M rows helped me gain some perspective on when to cut loose, when to keep a steady pace, and for the last 200M just go balls to the wall.
Rory and I were the only ones who showed up for the 7:00 class (very rare for a non-rest day). Sara didn't have much to impart as this was a straight-forward as it gets.
3...2...1...Go! I started out at a solid pace, just ahead of Sara's recommended pace of 2:00 (the rower paces according to 500m increments, and I've done as well as 1:45 when I'm all-out shredding). I recalled Kelly Starrett's video on rowing technique, and his emphasis on staying "tall" and only hinging on the upper body motion. I got so much more out of my strokes on this one piece of advice alone. I felt an efficiency on the rower for the first time.
The combination of Tim's advice, my choice of pace, and Starrett's gems really put me in a confident space that I would oblierate my expectation of 10-15 minutes for this WOD.
Wod Time: 7:47
Whaaaaat??? I mean that is just a bit silly. Rory and I actually clocked in at exactly the same time. I couldn't believe it. I mean I'm no firebreather but that is far above my expectation for this (or any other rowing) WOD. I ended up doing five sets of five thrusters as a cashout because I had so much time left after I was done. Craziness...
Well sometimes I surprise was definitely one of those days. I'm happy that one man's goat is another man's strength, and it seems when it comes to both handstand pushups, thrusters and rowing, I'm having a much better time than most.
See you next week :)
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Games WOD 5 - Getting Crushed on Film

5 Handstand Pushups
Frog Stand (10 secs)
5 Ring Pushups
10 Overhead Squats (PVC)
10 Kettlebell Deadlifts
I ran through the warmup a few times amidst conversations with the reporter, and we got to talking about today's Games WOD:
Crossfit Games Sectionals
WOD #5
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 Power cleans (145# for men / 100# for women)
10 Toes to bar
15 Wall balls (20# to 10′ target for men / 14# to 9′ target for women)
![]() |
The Power Clean |
3...2...1...Go! OK so maybe I went a little light on the cleans. These were fine...I should have made them a little tougher. Toes to bar found me getting my knees up to just above parallel. I broke these up into two sets when I could, but eventually I'd be doing 3-4 at a time. Wall Balls were cake, even with the caveat that we had to hit the ceiling because of the height requirements from the Games folk. I powered through the first few rounds without a problem. Being a 20-minute amrap I just wanted to keep a decent pace but not gas myself too early. I noticed the reporter snapping pictures of me...can't imagine he got too many ideal shots, as I was doing knees to elbows and that likely didn't make for good photo...we'll see I guess.
Before I knew it six rounds were in the can and I had to do the toes to bar six at a time. If I only got through those a bit quicker I would have maybe nailed seven rounds...that would have been sweet, and was so attainable...BUT...with the countdown fast approaching I hit the wall balls hard, but still came up four reps short of seven rounds.
WOD Results
Six Rounds plus 11 Wall Balls
I'm definitely happy with the results, but you always look back and know that there were extra seconds you could have shaved off the clock by picking up the bar quicker, cranking out just one more rep per set, etc. But at the end of the day this is what I had in me, and as I lay on the floor recovering I felt like I put up some solid numbers for where I'm at. I thought this was a great workout...I can see myself doing this one again someday. Not this week though ;).
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
The Return of the Snatch
Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
I've been watching a lot of videos featuring elite Crossfitters, power lifters, and lots of people who have a much greater handle on the Olympic lifts than I do. The snatch is such an elusive lift. There are so many things to be aware of when you're in the movement. Oftentimes I forget one key thing and the end result is shit. But every once in a while I put up a decent snatch, and, like today, I get encouraged that one day I might actually be capable of doing these.
Sara ran us through the Bergener Warmup, ran through the movement a couple of times, and we got setup and got ready to do our best.
Sara ran us through the Bergener Warmup, ran through the movement a couple of times, and we got setup and got ready to do our best.
65 – 85 – 85 – 85 – 95 – 95 – 100
65 – 85 – 85 – 85 – 95 – 95 – 100
So the last one definitely belongs in the Shit category, but leading up to that I felt like I was on to something. Needless to say I was pulling a little less than the guys in the above video today. I didn’t feel as lost as I typically do with the snatch…I just don’t think it comes up often enough for me to gain much ground on this lift.
Monday, April 18, 2011
The Outside-Inside WOD
I rolled up to an incredible sight on the sidewalk out in front of the building that houses Crossfit NYC. People were doing the WOD right there on the sidewalk...pushups, sit-ups, squats and Supermans subbed for back extensions. Not that I'd be embarrassed to hit the streets with them, but something about the discomfort of pavement and/or cement takes a bit of the charm out of the WOD. Granted if you're going to do a workout that would make the everyman vomit, you might as well throw in some unforgiving hard ground for good measure. Safe to say though, if I had the option to do the WOD inside I'd happily take what comforts the floors of the Black Box afford me.
Three rounds for time of:
Run 100 meters
50 Push-ups
Run 100 meters
50 Sit-ups
Run 100 meters
50 Squats
Run 100 meters
50 Back extensions
Kevin went over the movements and gave us the choice to do the WOD inside. There were cones set up on opposite sides of the room to measure out the runs. Three lengths of the room equaled 100 meters. I knew the volume of pushups was going to be challenging, but I figured at this point if I can't crank out 150 pushups in a WOD, well, I guess I'll just have to do less :). And that, unfortunately, is exactly what I did...but for reasons other than capacity...
3...2...1...Go! I hobbled a bit through the first run...those lunges weren't letting go of me just yet, but I wasn't in enough pain to slow my pace down. Either way 100 meters at a time was very doable, even if I needed to warm up through the first round before the soreness subsided. I cranked out pushups 10 at a time, swung my arms out between sets, and got through them without much trouble. Round after round the runs got better, the reps more fluid, and I definitely hit my stride, but I realized my pace wasn't to fantastic...
As the clock was in the 50s and I was starting the third round, I did the math and I simply didn't have time to finish and make it to work on time if I did 50 reps of each exercise. Kevin told us before the WOD started that we could scale to 35 reps, and I didn't consider this for a second until now. So I figured that's just how it had to be...rounds 1 & 2 RX'ed, round 3 scaled...not a big deal...still more than 500 reps total, and one hell of a workout.
WOD Time: 39:43
A big thanks to Anthony & Tim for continuing their tradition of doing the exercises alongside me for my last round, even though their workout was already done. Shout out to the street people…I’m sure there were plenty of Paleo-friendly snacks on the sidewalk no matter which way you turned your head. If you looked hard enough I’m sure you could see the remains of my quadriceps, which have been MIA ever since International Lunge Day.
And of course, thanks to Kevin P for allowing me to demonstrate back extensions going into minute 40 of my WOD, so the new folks can see what it looks like to lose control of your form, your balance, and your glands after 540 reps and running a 1/4 mile.
Three rounds for time of:
Run 100 meters
50 Push-ups
Run 100 meters
50 Sit-ups
Run 100 meters
50 Squats
Run 100 meters
50 Back extensions
Kevin went over the movements and gave us the choice to do the WOD inside. There were cones set up on opposite sides of the room to measure out the runs. Three lengths of the room equaled 100 meters. I knew the volume of pushups was going to be challenging, but I figured at this point if I can't crank out 150 pushups in a WOD, well, I guess I'll just have to do less :). And that, unfortunately, is exactly what I did...but for reasons other than capacity...
3...2...1...Go! I hobbled a bit through the first run...those lunges weren't letting go of me just yet, but I wasn't in enough pain to slow my pace down. Either way 100 meters at a time was very doable, even if I needed to warm up through the first round before the soreness subsided. I cranked out pushups 10 at a time, swung my arms out between sets, and got through them without much trouble. Round after round the runs got better, the reps more fluid, and I definitely hit my stride, but I realized my pace wasn't to fantastic...
As the clock was in the 50s and I was starting the third round, I did the math and I simply didn't have time to finish and make it to work on time if I did 50 reps of each exercise. Kevin told us before the WOD started that we could scale to 35 reps, and I didn't consider this for a second until now. So I figured that's just how it had to be...rounds 1 & 2 RX'ed, round 3 scaled...not a big deal...still more than 500 reps total, and one hell of a workout.
WOD Time: 39:43
A big thanks to Anthony & Tim for continuing their tradition of doing the exercises alongside me for my last round, even though their workout was already done. Shout out to the street people…I’m sure there were plenty of Paleo-friendly snacks on the sidewalk no matter which way you turned your head. If you looked hard enough I’m sure you could see the remains of my quadriceps, which have been MIA ever since International Lunge Day.
And of course, thanks to Kevin P for allowing me to demonstrate back extensions going into minute 40 of my WOD, so the new folks can see what it looks like to lose control of your form, your balance, and your glands after 540 reps and running a 1/4 mile.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Dude...More Bench!
I was absolutely shocked this morning that I was able to walk (OK limp was more like it), but after 90 minutes of solid stretching and some light mobility work I made my way to the Back Box, ready for my second attempt at the bench press since starting Crossfit.
WOD - "Lynne"
Five rounds for max reps of:
Body weight bench press
We buddied up two to a bench and got started. I remembered the two crucial things that Sara imparted to us last time...squeeze your shoulder blades together and drive your feet through the floor. I ended up doing OK, given that I wasn't expecting to be physically capable of working out today...
Bench Press @ 155
12 – 10 – 7 – 6 – 6
16 – 11 – 7 – 8 – 10
155 turned out to be a decent weight for the bench. I'm capable of more, but not much more to get 10+ reps. I'll likely go heavier next time. As always I did the pullups double-banded. I know this will eventually change, but I'm not rushing anything. It's still very challenging. I was happy to do 50+ Pullups no matter how I was getting over the bar.
It's hard not to consider this a bonus WOD, so I feel great about another solid week on the books.
More to come...
WOD - "Lynne"
Five rounds for max reps of:
Body weight bench press
We buddied up two to a bench and got started. I remembered the two crucial things that Sara imparted to us last time...squeeze your shoulder blades together and drive your feet through the floor. I ended up doing OK, given that I wasn't expecting to be physically capable of working out today...
Bench Press @ 155
12 – 10 – 7 – 6 – 6
16 – 11 – 7 – 8 – 10
155 turned out to be a decent weight for the bench. I'm capable of more, but not much more to get 10+ reps. I'll likely go heavier next time. As always I did the pullups double-banded. I know this will eventually change, but I'm not rushing anything. It's still very challenging. I was happy to do 50+ Pullups no matter how I was getting over the bar.
It's hard not to consider this a bonus WOD, so I feel great about another solid week on the books.
More to come...
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Taking the pLUNGE
"Just so we get things straight here, you will not be able to walk tomorrow"
...such were the words of our trainer Sara as we contemplated today's creative, yet sadistic WOD:
400 meter Walking lunge
As I walked toward the Black Box this morning I saw the 6:15 class lunging their way down 6th Avenue and I knew I was in for some pain. I was happy this past month when Kevin put some lunges into our warmup and I got through them without a problem, but this was another level entirely. 400 Meters. A quarter mile!
3...2...1...Go! We got started and I gravitated toward the back of the pack, keeping a slow pace alongside Sam, a cool guy who does the level 2 (advanced) WODs, and had just completed the newest Games WOD. Great...I'm pacing myself behind a guy who already finished a brutal workout...sounds about right ;)
I kept it slow & steady, and got to 1/4 of the way there when Sara dropped the bomb on me that would seal my fate for days to come - "Reis I think you should scale this one to 200 meters". "OK" I said, knowing full well I simply had to RX this one now. I was well behind the pack at this point and Sara told me she had to go inside with the rest of the class, so I wouldn't be able to know my time. I was fine with this point she didn't know I intended to finish the full 400, and finishing was now all I cared about. I waved her off and away they all went, leaving me, myself and my lunges, getting occasional encouragement from random passers by as I lunged step after step in sheer agony.
Turning the corner with the last 100 meters to go, Richard (a friendly CF regular) came back to check on me and actually cranked out a few lunges next to me. Then Sara came running down..."I told you to scale" she said. "I'm not responsible if you get Rhabdo". I smiled and said "yes, you got me to this point". She really did...thanks to Sara I've gained more confidence in pushing my limits, and while this might have flipped the equation into the danger category, I was ready to accept the pain. I wasn't stopping now. Lunge after painful lunge I kept at it...there was like 30 feet to go and with every step I had to wave away the easy option of quitting right then and there. She broke up sets for me into about 10 feet at a time. Of course for the last few steps my knee had to come down on hard metal...oh the advantages of Crossfitting on the streets on NYC...
I yelled with each final step, and embraced the pain as I finally completed the WOD, and hey...I got my time!
WOD TIME: 27:14
My legs are I sit in my sedentary job atmosphere I feel the tightness rolling in like a fog over my legs. I'm doubling the stretch/mobility sessions tonight. If I don't get ahead of the recovery curve this one could take me out for days...
I love it :)
...such were the words of our trainer Sara as we contemplated today's creative, yet sadistic WOD:
400 meter Walking lunge
As I walked toward the Black Box this morning I saw the 6:15 class lunging their way down 6th Avenue and I knew I was in for some pain. I was happy this past month when Kevin put some lunges into our warmup and I got through them without a problem, but this was another level entirely. 400 Meters. A quarter mile!
3...2...1...Go! We got started and I gravitated toward the back of the pack, keeping a slow pace alongside Sam, a cool guy who does the level 2 (advanced) WODs, and had just completed the newest Games WOD. Great...I'm pacing myself behind a guy who already finished a brutal workout...sounds about right ;)
I kept it slow & steady, and got to 1/4 of the way there when Sara dropped the bomb on me that would seal my fate for days to come - "Reis I think you should scale this one to 200 meters". "OK" I said, knowing full well I simply had to RX this one now. I was well behind the pack at this point and Sara told me she had to go inside with the rest of the class, so I wouldn't be able to know my time. I was fine with this point she didn't know I intended to finish the full 400, and finishing was now all I cared about. I waved her off and away they all went, leaving me, myself and my lunges, getting occasional encouragement from random passers by as I lunged step after step in sheer agony.
Turning the corner with the last 100 meters to go, Richard (a friendly CF regular) came back to check on me and actually cranked out a few lunges next to me. Then Sara came running down..."I told you to scale" she said. "I'm not responsible if you get Rhabdo". I smiled and said "yes, you got me to this point". She really did...thanks to Sara I've gained more confidence in pushing my limits, and while this might have flipped the equation into the danger category, I was ready to accept the pain. I wasn't stopping now. Lunge after painful lunge I kept at it...there was like 30 feet to go and with every step I had to wave away the easy option of quitting right then and there. She broke up sets for me into about 10 feet at a time. Of course for the last few steps my knee had to come down on hard metal...oh the advantages of Crossfitting on the streets on NYC...
I yelled with each final step, and embraced the pain as I finally completed the WOD, and hey...I got my time!
WOD TIME: 27:14
My legs are I sit in my sedentary job atmosphere I feel the tightness rolling in like a fog over my legs. I'm doubling the stretch/mobility sessions tonight. If I don't get ahead of the recovery curve this one could take me out for days...
I love it :)
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
All Jerked Up
BLACK BOX WOD (current skill: the jerk):
jerk 3-3-3-3-3
I love the Push Jerk, but haven't been able to do it in a WOD in a few months. It was cool to get back to this exercise. Another fun strength day at the Black Box.
Warmup: 45x3 - 65x3
WOD (x3): 95 - 115 - 135 - 135 - 155

jerk 3-3-3-3-3
I love the Push Jerk, but haven't been able to do it in a WOD in a few months. It was cool to get back to this exercise. Another fun strength day at the Black Box.
Warmup: 45x3 - 65x3
WOD (x3): 95 - 115 - 135 - 135 - 155
Monday, April 11, 2011
A Minute to Win It
Looks like it was max effort day. He's really on the ball |
Today was mellow, as is the case with a lot of strength days. It's good that we're focusing on the shoulder press, because I feel like I need all of the shoulder strength I can muster if I want to improve with pullups, handstand pushups, ring dips, and heavier lifting overhead.
Warmup (3 Rounds with PVC):
10 Shoulder Dislocates
10 Good Mornings
10-second handstand hold
Resting 60 seconds between sets:
Press 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2
We paired up on the racks and got going quicky. Pretty cool WOD, though in retrospect we didn't think ahead about how limiting the minute rest time was as far as increasing weight goes. Frankly neither of us was a superstar on the press, so we were happy to stay around 85-95 lbs for the whole WOD and just focused on pressing well with good speed, and fighting my urge to push press. We got through it quickly, and Kevin programmed a little "cashout" metcon since we had some spare time left:
Five Rounds for Time:
10 Ring Rows
10 Situps
Time: 7:11
That was a nice little workout. Not the most blistering day of work at Crossfit but a good sweat and some solid strength work.
Ready for more tomorrow...
good mornings,
ring rows,
shoulder dislocates,
shoulder press,
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Home WOD #1
So it's been a couple of days and I have been on the foam roller, doing light (non-hip) mobility work, and taking Wobenzym regularly, and it's been working well. I feel my hip far less than I did on Tuesday, and it seems I just had to give it some time. So hmmm...a Saturday night at home...just me, my Abmat and a random crazy thought...
What better way to get back in action than a little home-grown Crossfit programming? Maybe some air squats...yeah just air squats...and a lot of 100 or 200...yeah that'll do it. Then I called Scott in Miami, and he had the great idea of throwing in some situps. Ahh...a couplet...GENIUS I thought (I'm a little slow on weekends). So here it is....
Home WOD #1
4 Rounds for time
50 Air Squats
25 Situps
The tough choice was selecting the heavy metal channel or the hip hop classics channel...hip hop won, as it seemed they were in the midst of an LL Cool J-a-thon and that seemed like the right prescription for this WOD. Got my towel laid out, filled the water bottle and it was go time...
3...2...1...GO! Man I have to say squats are my thing...I guess I violated the enduring rule in CF programming, which says when programming your own workouts, program your "Goats", or your absolute weaknesses. Not this time folks...I was crankin out squats like they were nothing. At less than 2 minutes per exercise I had a good pace going...the situps were like nothing (the Abmat really really helps). I guess I'll program 50 of those per round next time. But before I knew it I was cranking out the last round...20 unbroken squats, then sets of 10...unbroken situps and I was done...
WOD Time: 14:55
Felt great! No hip issues, and so easy to get a solid sweat on...SO much better than surfing the web, blogging (sorry) or watching the tube. Seems this might be a trend on Saturdays if I have any more three day weeks at the Black Box. The jury's out on whether it'll make sense to do a home WOD if I've done four days already. But this was a good one, and I'm preparing for mad quad burn tomorrow. Hopefully by Monday I'll be fresh and ready to go...
What better way to get back in action than a little home-grown Crossfit programming? Maybe some air squats...yeah just air squats...and a lot of 100 or 200...yeah that'll do it. Then I called Scott in Miami, and he had the great idea of throwing in some situps. Ahh...a couplet...GENIUS I thought (I'm a little slow on weekends). So here it is....
Home WOD #1
4 Rounds for time
50 Air Squats
25 Situps
The tough choice was selecting the heavy metal channel or the hip hop classics channel...hip hop won, as it seemed they were in the midst of an LL Cool J-a-thon and that seemed like the right prescription for this WOD. Got my towel laid out, filled the water bottle and it was go time...
3...2...1...GO! Man I have to say squats are my thing...I guess I violated the enduring rule in CF programming, which says when programming your own workouts, program your "Goats", or your absolute weaknesses. Not this time folks...I was crankin out squats like they were nothing. At less than 2 minutes per exercise I had a good pace going...the situps were like nothing (the Abmat really really helps). I guess I'll program 50 of those per round next time. But before I knew it I was cranking out the last round...20 unbroken squats, then sets of 10...unbroken situps and I was done...
WOD Time: 14:55
Felt great! No hip issues, and so easy to get a solid sweat on...SO much better than surfing the web, blogging (sorry) or watching the tube. Seems this might be a trend on Saturdays if I have any more three day weeks at the Black Box. The jury's out on whether it'll make sense to do a home WOD if I've done four days already. But this was a good one, and I'm preparing for mad quad burn tomorrow. Hopefully by Monday I'll be fresh and ready to go...
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Bonus WOD
So while resting my hip I won my weekly poker game on Tuesday night, which would have not happened if I was in shape to do the new Games WOD on Wednesday. Sometimes it pays to rest :). It felt almost weird to take a day off, knowing I wasn't coming in for the rest of the week. And then the CF main site posts this for Thursday:
WOD - "J.T."
21-15-9 reps of:
Handstand push-ups
Ring dips
Hmmm...arms, arms, and more arms. I texted Sara right away to ask if I was missing anything about this workout that would compromise my hip's recovery. While I didn't hear back from her I figured even if I scaled the shit out of this one at least I'd be doing SOMETHING, and likely not putting my hip at much risk.
Sara texted me back as I was already boarding the train to NYC, but it was reassuring to see that she told me to come on in. She would have easily told me to not be an idiot if I was going to be at any bit of risk. So I was psyched to get my handstands on...
I didn't do much of a warmup...just some stuff with the PVC. Sara suggested that we strongly consider 15-12-9 for the rep scheme, as she was confident that none of us would make it through to the final 9. I felt fine scaling...I was just happy to be there and put in a third workout this week. So scale I did.
3...2...1...GO! I was off and, well, handstanding...I put a few plates under my head to reduce my required depth. Though I had been using three Abmats for this purpose, Sara said she didn't like using those because if our head hit them it would go down further than our desired depth. So I put a 45, a 25, and a 10-lb plate, which gave me like 3 inches of depth...fine for a WOD with this many HSPUs.
The ring dips were fine, as I used the thick band again. I tried during warmups time to use the half-thick band and it was too weak, so i stuck with the thick band, even though it made the ring dips pretty easy...I still felt it in my arms, which I guess is mission accomplished. Pushups got tough as the WOD went on, and I had to finish in sets of three. But I finished, and with everyone's encouragement, got there before the 20-minute mark.
WOD Time - 19:57
I have zero complaints. I got a great workout and a bonus day when I thought I had to rest no matter what. That makes three workouts this week, which is really what I would consider my minimum at this point. It seems like I really have to step up my game on those pushups...anytime they are in a WOD I am crushed.
Hopefully by Monday I'll be fresh as a daisy...until then...
WOD - "J.T."
21-15-9 reps of:
Handstand push-ups
Ring dips
Hmmm...arms, arms, and more arms. I texted Sara right away to ask if I was missing anything about this workout that would compromise my hip's recovery. While I didn't hear back from her I figured even if I scaled the shit out of this one at least I'd be doing SOMETHING, and likely not putting my hip at much risk.
Sara texted me back as I was already boarding the train to NYC, but it was reassuring to see that she told me to come on in. She would have easily told me to not be an idiot if I was going to be at any bit of risk. So I was psyched to get my handstands on...
I didn't do much of a warmup...just some stuff with the PVC. Sara suggested that we strongly consider 15-12-9 for the rep scheme, as she was confident that none of us would make it through to the final 9. I felt fine scaling...I was just happy to be there and put in a third workout this week. So scale I did.
3...2...1...GO! I was off and, well, handstanding...I put a few plates under my head to reduce my required depth. Though I had been using three Abmats for this purpose, Sara said she didn't like using those because if our head hit them it would go down further than our desired depth. So I put a 45, a 25, and a 10-lb plate, which gave me like 3 inches of depth...fine for a WOD with this many HSPUs.
The ring dips were fine, as I used the thick band again. I tried during warmups time to use the half-thick band and it was too weak, so i stuck with the thick band, even though it made the ring dips pretty easy...I still felt it in my arms, which I guess is mission accomplished. Pushups got tough as the WOD went on, and I had to finish in sets of three. But I finished, and with everyone's encouragement, got there before the 20-minute mark.
WOD Time - 19:57
I have zero complaints. I got a great workout and a bonus day when I thought I had to rest no matter what. That makes three workouts this week, which is really what I would consider my minimum at this point. It seems like I really have to step up my game on those pushups...anytime they are in a WOD I am crushed.
Hopefully by Monday I'll be fresh as a daisy...until then...
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
I'm as careful as the next guy when doing these workouts, and while I finish all of my WODs I'm hugely conscious of not taking myself to the point of injury by doing something too quickly or recklessly. And while my trainers would have a word or two about how well I do this, I'm very conscious of maintaining the best form possible so I don't tweak, pull, tear, or anything else that could put the kibosh on this whole process. So leave it to the Mobility WOD to be the source of my first stumbling block since my bruised knee this past winter.
I had been doing hip MOBs (short for mobilizations) courtesy of Kelly Starrett of San Francisco Crossfit and his free site Mobility WOD. The site has truly blown open a new dimension in my training and performance, and I dedicate 5-10 minutes each evening to stretching and mobilizing my body...usually things that will help with the following day's workout. So there I am, well, mobilizing one night and I get up to find that I can feel the back of my hip. No pain, but a noticeable feeling that somehow my femur has gained some wanderlust and isn't tightly resting in the back of my hip capsule. FUCKIN GREAT!
So coming in this morning I decided to try some gentler mobility stuff to get things working again, and while it helped for a few minutes, the feeling would come back to my hip pretty quickly. It wasn't getting in the way of my warmup, but I dealifted a kettlebell and could tell I shouldn't be lifting from the ground anytime soon. I should mention today's WOD to put the rest in perspective:
WOD - "Michael"
Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
50 Back Extensions
50 Sit-ups
I told Sara about my hip and we agreed that I'd run the first round, and if I felt like it was getting worse I should row the next two. The WOD was pretty straight-forward, so I hit the ground running with the first group and got started.
3...2...1...GO! I did the 800m run in round 1 unbroken...felt quite a bit faster than last time I had 800m runs as part of a WOD but I didn't time myself. I can't say that it got any worse, but weighing my options I came to the (rather uninformed) conclusion that I should row the rest just to be safe. The situps weren't too brutal (I ended up doing those first because the GHDs were all occupied after I finished the run) but MAN those back extensions were intense...especially the last 20 of each round. And finishing the back extensions and hitting the rower right away was absolutely back was in WTF mode for the first half of each round...tough to get a solid pace going with that painful transition. But I got through it and put up an OK time, considering the situation...
WOD Time: 36:53
Later on after the workout I got into a really helpful dialogue with Sean M. and Mike K on the CFNYC blog comments discussion, and they helped me to realize I needed a few days off. Another CFer named "MC" recommended an anti-inflammatory named "Wobenzym". I just bought some, as I've read a few things recently about Ibuprofen and it seems it might be best for Advil to not be my goto (in addition to fish oil) each night to reduce inflammation.
So hip actually felt better after the WOD, but the feeling is back now and I need to give this thing time to settle down. Looks like this might be a 2-WOD week. Sucks, but I'm sure my body will appreciate the rest.
I'm as careful as the next guy when doing these workouts, and while I finish all of my WODs I'm hugely conscious of not taking myself to the point of injury by doing something too quickly or recklessly. And while my trainers would have a word or two about how well I do this, I'm very conscious of maintaining the best form possible so I don't tweak, pull, tear, or anything else that could put the kibosh on this whole process. So leave it to the Mobility WOD to be the source of my first stumbling block since my bruised knee this past winter.
So coming in this morning I decided to try some gentler mobility stuff to get things working again, and while it helped for a few minutes, the feeling would come back to my hip pretty quickly. It wasn't getting in the way of my warmup, but I dealifted a kettlebell and could tell I shouldn't be lifting from the ground anytime soon. I should mention today's WOD to put the rest in perspective:
WOD - "Michael"
Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
50 Back Extensions
50 Sit-ups
I told Sara about my hip and we agreed that I'd run the first round, and if I felt like it was getting worse I should row the next two. The WOD was pretty straight-forward, so I hit the ground running with the first group and got started.
3...2...1...GO! I did the 800m run in round 1 unbroken...felt quite a bit faster than last time I had 800m runs as part of a WOD but I didn't time myself. I can't say that it got any worse, but weighing my options I came to the (rather uninformed) conclusion that I should row the rest just to be safe. The situps weren't too brutal (I ended up doing those first because the GHDs were all occupied after I finished the run) but MAN those back extensions were intense...especially the last 20 of each round. And finishing the back extensions and hitting the rower right away was absolutely back was in WTF mode for the first half of each round...tough to get a solid pace going with that painful transition. But I got through it and put up an OK time, considering the situation...
WOD Time: 36:53
Later on after the workout I got into a really helpful dialogue with Sean M. and Mike K on the CFNYC blog comments discussion, and they helped me to realize I needed a few days off. Another CFer named "MC" recommended an anti-inflammatory named "Wobenzym". I just bought some, as I've read a few things recently about Ibuprofen and it seems it might be best for Advil to not be my goto (in addition to fish oil) each night to reduce inflammation.
So hip actually felt better after the WOD, but the feeling is back now and I need to give this thing time to settle down. Looks like this might be a 2-WOD week. Sucks, but I'm sure my body will appreciate the rest.
Monday, April 4, 2011
PWNing the Back Squat - A Tale of Whoa
![]() |
This is what 375 looks like...i.e. that's me next time :) |
OK, so you have to allow me a moment of self-indulgent gloating. I'm not that guy...I don't normally think this way...maybe I just rarely get put in the position to say things like this but here goes...
I fucking destroyed this WOD. I killed it. The bar gave me everything it had and the damn thing was coming back up like styrofoam every time. For almost five months I've been bitch-slapped by the majority of workouts in Crossfit. But today I slapped back...hard.
I PR'ed my back squat by 50 lbs and I left what seemed like an easy additional 50 lbs on the table. 335 lbs. A highly-symbolic weight, as I started this journey tipping the scale right around that very mark. I saw the WOD come up last night and I could taste this moment. I've missed back squat singles several times since I started, and endured limiting shoulder pain, triples instead of singles, metcons with high reps but less many explorations of this exercise but never a chance at a max effort...until today.
We warmed up with three rounds of:
20 Walking Lunges
10 GHD situps
10 back extensions
I got my sweat on nicely and was ready to dig in...
BLACK BOX WOD (current skill: back squat):
back squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Seven rounds of singles. I knew I could start light and warm up before the true WOD kicked in, so I paired up with CFNYC regulars Lucio and Jeff and we got to work. Kevin went through the movement, the low bar position, and (as always) some helpful hints on getting the most out of this lift. Kevin is the shit when it comes to Olympic lift coaching.
We started with the bar and I let the other guys set the pace on loads. I was ready to stay for hours until I got into the heavy zone. After a while I lost count and just kept adding plates.
Warmup (Sets of 1): 45 – 135 – 155 – 175 – 185
I was putting these singles up quickly...Kevin said to not count reps toward the WOD until we got close to our former PR. Since mine was 285, we had plenty of sets to go. I was happy to make 20 or 30 lb jumps until I felt it getting heavy. Turns out that moment wouldn't come until I got well over 300 lbs.
WOD (Sets of 1): 205 – 225 – 245 – 275 – 295* – 315* – 335*
*1-Rep Max PR
Every time I came up I heard Kevin bust out laughing behind me...he said my heavier reps came up quicker than the warmups. The other guys were getting a kick out of it too. Lucio always ribs me that I make them look bad on back squat days, but frankly it's my only time to shine. The minute we switch from strength to bodyweight stuff I get hey I'll soak up this moment no problem :). I told them that when you carry this much weight around for that long, any leg-heavy work is going to be no problem. Today was case in point.
I've been reading a lot of articles on Westside Barbell and their philosophy on lifts. They talk a lot about prepping your nervous system to get it accustomed to certain ranges of weight. I truly could have put up 350+, but as I was thinking it Kevin said it. Stop here. Let your body absorb this one. It was the right call. This was 50 lbs heavier than anything I've ever lifted. No reason to push. I was in uncharted waters. best to right the ship and sail home triumphantly.
I play poker a lot and there's a term for those nights when you just can't lose. It used to be that you "owned". Nowadays people say that you PWNed (pronounced "poned"). I played heads up against the back squat and I PWNed. I look forward to cashing in my winnings in the weeks to come. :)
back extensions,
back squat,
ghd situps,
walking lunges
Friday, April 1, 2011
Easy Dippin
Sometimes you look at a WOD and you laugh because you KNOW there's no way it's happening today. I literally looked at it and chuckled, but I still made the journey to Crossfit NYC for some reason. I remember thinking that maybe Sara would let me do 150 kettle bell swings for time, which is a rest day WOD I missed last month and would LOVE to do sometime...funny how you always gravitate to the exercises you're good at. Maybe that's why I couldn't imagine doing this one, even if it was ridiculously scaled:
30 Muscle-ups for time
If you cannot do the muscle-ups do 120 pull-ups and 120 dips.
OH I see...just 120 pullups and 120 ring dips...Wasn't it Monday when I almost collapsed doing 70 pullups and 40 ring dips?, no...obviously I'm a year or so away from doing muscle ups, so I didn't even consider attempting those...
Sara mentioned scaling to 60 of each. OK now we're talkin, even though she suggested that they needed to be strict pullups and dips. I was happy to set up my bands and make it happen. For the dips Sara said we could put bands across the rings. This is something Kevin shied away from on Monday, as he said the stability of doing box dips builds strength for ring dips without the dynamic, unpredictable motion of the rings. But in the spirit of being constantly varied, I was excited to try both approaches in the same week and see how I did. Sara said I could break up the sets into whatever combinations made sense, so I settled on alternating sets of 10.
3...2...1...GO! I knew pretty early on that I made the ring dips too easy with the thick band...swapping sets of 10 made the earlier rounds pretty quick. The latter two rounds were much slower, but doing three and four reps at a time I got through it without much problem.
WOD Time: 14:42
Dare I say it, but I made this workout too easy...maybe I should have done more reps...maybe I should have used a lesser band for the last half of the dips. I dunno...but it's the first time ever after a Crossfit workout that I was comfortably on my feet. I guess there's something to be said for my progress, but this was much more of a strength workout than a metcon. C'est la vie...I'm not disappointed at all...just surprised. I'll be back on Monday to satisfy my inner masochist. For now I'm happy to end another strong 4-day week at Crossfit on a solid note.
30 Muscle-ups for time
If you cannot do the muscle-ups do 120 pull-ups and 120 dips.
OH I see...just 120 pullups and 120 ring dips...Wasn't it Monday when I almost collapsed doing 70 pullups and 40 ring dips?, no...obviously I'm a year or so away from doing muscle ups, so I didn't even consider attempting those...
Sara mentioned scaling to 60 of each. OK now we're talkin, even though she suggested that they needed to be strict pullups and dips. I was happy to set up my bands and make it happen. For the dips Sara said we could put bands across the rings. This is something Kevin shied away from on Monday, as he said the stability of doing box dips builds strength for ring dips without the dynamic, unpredictable motion of the rings. But in the spirit of being constantly varied, I was excited to try both approaches in the same week and see how I did. Sara said I could break up the sets into whatever combinations made sense, so I settled on alternating sets of 10.
3...2...1...GO! I knew pretty early on that I made the ring dips too easy with the thick band...swapping sets of 10 made the earlier rounds pretty quick. The latter two rounds were much slower, but doing three and four reps at a time I got through it without much problem.
WOD Time: 14:42
Dare I say it, but I made this workout too easy...maybe I should have done more reps...maybe I should have used a lesser band for the last half of the dips. I dunno...but it's the first time ever after a Crossfit workout that I was comfortably on my feet. I guess there's something to be said for my progress, but this was much more of a strength workout than a metcon. C'est la vie...I'm not disappointed at all...just surprised. I'll be back on Monday to satisfy my inner masochist. For now I'm happy to end another strong 4-day week at Crossfit on a solid note.
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